On August 11, 2021, IPI MENA (International Peace Institute) hosted an online discussion entitled “Empowerment of Young Women in the MENA Region”, attended by leading women from across the region, as well as officials and diplomats. The event, held on the occasion of the International Youth Day, called for invigorated efforts to empower young women in the region and around the world.
IPI MENA Policy Analyst, Dalya Al Alawi opened the event by emphasizing the adversely gendered impact the pandemic has had on women in all aspects of life, but particularly within the various economic, social, and political contexts of the region.
IPI MENA Research Assistant Eliza Cheah highlighted the need for cooperation across all levels of the multilateral system. She emphasized the need “to change the prejudices and social norms, to remove all the obstacles, and provide women with the best access in all spheres,” in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.