This project aims at promoting sustainable entrepreneurship in the blue economy sector, providing circular business solutions to environmental and social challenges faced by the sector. Its purpose is to strengthen the Switchers Support National Partnership (SNP) and it has been added to the SNP national strategy for sustainable business creation and development.
It targets green entrepreneurs at ideation, growth, or maturity phase; those who have a Sustainable Business idea, a Start-up or an SME in any of the following sub-sectors: Salt Extraction & Harvesting, Coastal Tourism, Port Activities, Shipbuilding & Repair, Fishing, Blue Energy, or Aquaculture.
The Blue Economy gave the chance to 20 entrepreneurs to benefit from a Sustainable Business Development Training Program: Baharasurf boards, Balamida, H-Management, Mina Canaan, Ar-ena, Batroun Water Sports, Blanc Sel, Blue Fish, Deep Water Shrimp, EAF, Eco glass Beach Resort, Guardians of the Blue, Mina Canaan, Mina Line (IFL), One Coastline, Rania Jammal (Rinad NGO), The Coral Reef project. At the end of the program, Mina Canaan received incubation services, provided by Fondation Diane professional trainers.
The Blue Economy is funded by the European Union in Lebanon and provided by Fondation Diane for Medwaves in the framework of the SwitchMed project.