Fadi El Hage
Chairholder – CEEDD (Chair of Fondation Diane at USJ)
PhD in Science Education, from Montpellier University- France. Over 20 years of experience in Education Consultancy.
Fadi holds a PhD in Science education from the Montpellier University, in France. He also holds a Master’s degree in Biology, a certificate of professional aptitude in secondary teaching (CAPES), and a “Training of Trainers” diploma. As an education consultant for over 20 years, he has headed national and international projects. Former Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Saint Joseph University, he now holds the position of “Delegate of the Rector for Professional Development”. He is also the Vice-President of the Association for the Development of Education Assessment Methodologies (ADMEE) and national Delegate of UNESCO Chair “Global Health and Education”. He is also member of the advisory board of the “International foundation for women’s empowerment”. Professor El Hage is also the author of several conferences and scientific publications.