Fondation Diane Opens the 1st Social Pediatric Clinic in Lebanon, to Welcome all Children from 0 to 18 Years old, for Free!
The economic meltdown and crisis limit children’s access to quality medical care!
“34% of children in Lebanon are not receiving the primary health care they need”
*UNICEF’s report, April 2022
Beneficiaries: Hundreds of Thousands of Underprivileged Children
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Public Health, “Fondation Diane” and “Hotel-Dieu de France” organized the inauguration of the “Clinique Sociale de l’Enfant” at the heart of HDF; a one-of-a-kind social pediatric clinic for all children in Lebanon, especially the underprivileged ones, from birth till adulthood, regardless of their nationality and almost for free!
Under the title of “Equal Quality Medical Care for All Children in Lebanon”, the ceremony was held in the presence of local and regional key figures from the public and private sector including the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Mrs. Joanna Wronecka, the Unicef Representative in Lebanon, Mr. Edouard Beigbeder, the Lebanese Former Minister of State, Mr. Roger Dib, the Lebanese Former Minister for Displaced Persons, the judge Alice Chaptini, the Judge at the Lebanese Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Marise Amm, His Excellency the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firass Abiad represented by the Director of the Medical Healthcare Directorate, Dr. Joseph Helou, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of HDF, Professor Salim Daccache s.j., the Director General of HDF, Mr. Nassib Nasr, as well as the Founder & President of “Fondation Diane”, Mrs. Diana Fadel, and the press.
Click here to continue reading the Press Release (link to the PR)
About the Clinic:
The Clinic offers pediatric consultations to help disadvantaged families have access to a medical care of high value. Open to all families residing in Lebanon regardless of their nationality, The Clinic aims at providing quality medical services to marginalized families, by a reputable and trustworthy hospital center, in a context of skyrocketing living costs.
It is the 1st center of-its-kind that aims to offer:
Diagnosis | Vaccination | Preventive & Curative Care | Psychological Care
The medical team seek to offer parents and their children a humane medicine where careful listening, accurate info and respect of the child, as well as the management of his stress and pain, are given full attention. They are keen to help parents have a full understanding of their children’s medical problems, to be able to provide them with full support.
Are you interested to become one of the “Children’s Angels”?
Download this brochure and subscribe in a yearly membership scheme (link)
Select an amount devoted to one or more medical services:
Sincere Thanks to the “Arch Angels”!
- Tamari Foundation
- Théâtre Poche Ruelle, Mulhouse (Dir. Jean-Marie Meshaka)
- Karim Fadel
- Georges Andraos
- Mitsulift
- Elham Raphaël
Children’s Health and Future in Lebanon are at risk,
Your Support Counts!
Contact: + 961 3 297 397
Donate through our Website,
or Transfer to the clinic’s bank account, Bank Audi – Ashrafieh “HOTEL-DIEU DE FRANCE (CSE)” – LB95005600000000000918170108