1st Edition: Green Market 2018
The Green Market concept was created by “Fondation Diane” on 5 & 6 November 2018, following the same green spirit that always inspires us. The event took place in one of the courtyards at Beirut Digital District. 18 green start-ups showcased their green products on rainy days and a friendly atmosphere. The impact was stimulating and we decided to replicate this exhibition every year.

2nd Edition: Green Market 2019
Following the success of the 1st edition of the green market, “Fondation Diane” organized on 27, 28 & 29 June 2019 at ABC Verdun, the 2nd edition of the Green Market under the title: “Towards Responsible Consumption”. This exhibition included 23 green start-ups in the following sectors: fine arts, cosmetics, upcycling, F&B, fashion, composting, and renewable energy.

3rd Edition: Green Market 2022
In order to support green & sustainable start-ups and SMEs in the F&B, fashion and cosmetics sectors, “Fondation Diane” in collaboration with “Asfari Foundation”, “Cewas” & “EcoSwitch Coalition” organized on 7,8 & 9 July 2022, the 3rd edition of the “Green Market” exhibition at ABC Verdun. Under the title of “Towards Responsible Consumption”, the exhibition showcased a wide array of green & eco-sustainable products from 25 exhibitors in different sectors, notably: agri-food, F&B, sustainable fashion & textile, sustainable cosmetics.

It was a one-of-a kind experience with locally produced, healthy, natural, organic, delicious, and beautiful products. Through this green market, “Fondation Diane” aims to contribute to sustainable development in general, and specifically to the 12th goal (SDG12) to ensure “Responsible Consumption & Production”, by conserving energy and natural resources, and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

This 3rd edition of the exhibition comes as a response to the huge demand and the great success of the previous editions that were also hosted at ABC Verdun, a prestigious mall that respects the environment!

Green Market

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