Sustainable Water Management: In Metn & Jezzine Region
Lebanon Water Project (LWP) is a five-year project launched in 2015, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented throughout CEEDD in Lebanon. It aims to increase the access of Lebanese citizens to clean, reliable and sustainable sources of drinking water. The project seeks to achieve this by intervening in pilot areas of the country, while improving Lebanon’s capacity in water resources management and the efficiency and sustainability of public water services. It provides technical and financial support to relevant stakeholders to improve the performance of the water sector in Lebanon. The added value of this project lies in its multi-faceted approach, where not only interventions at the infrastructural level are foreseen (installation of water meters, construction or rehabilitation of water reservoirs, etc.), but also work on capacity building of the sector’s stakeholders (water institutions, public authorities, private sector, etc.) and on citizens’ engagement in water conservation.
Within the scope of this project, the CEEDD Chair responded to LWP’s call for proposals through a project that aims to share knowledge and raise awareness among citizens in the Metn region and the Jezzine region on water conservation.
*Sustainable Water Management: Extension in the Metn Region
In the same spirit as the LWP Metn project, the CEEDD Chair, in partnership with the Jezzine Foundation for Culture and Heritage, won a fund from USAID, to set up an awareness project with 3 schools, 8 municipalities, restaurants, hotels, civil society actors (non-governmental organizations, associations, cooperatives, etc.) and young people (scouts, parishes, etc.) from the Jezzine region to sustainable water management.
*Lebanon Water Project – A Digital Approach
In view of the confinement of 2020 and in order to reach our objective, the project was directed towards a digital approach. The project consists of the creation of a series of videos of 2 to 3 minutes around 8 water-related topics. The themes are as follows: Water metering; Water conservation for irrigation Rainwater harvesting; Water facilities Industrial water management; Wastewater treatment Citizens’ role in water management and Water cycles.
This series was published on social networks and on CEEDD website and was accompanied by an awareness campaign consisting of 9 scientific posters, online publications and quizzes.