Water, Sanitation & Conservation (WSC) is a program funded by USAID to engage citizens and the private sector to improve their water stewardship.

On Tuesday 29 November 2022, CEEDD signed a USAID grant with WSC on an 18-month project aiming at training 20 civil society organizations (CSOs) from 20 Lebanese villages on water sanitation and conservation.

CEEDD is responsible for launching this program: to equip CSO professionals with the right tools, skills and knowledge needed to actively engage in the water sector and to support water establishments and local governance institutions in performing their role and serving the community. The training sessions will take place over 17 days in each of the 4 regions across Lebanon: Beqaa, Beirut and Mount Lebanon, North and South Lebanon.

We believe this project will empower the Civil Society by building their capacities and providing them with skills so they can manage and sustain the project.

Water Sanitation Conservation 1

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