Committed to develop eco-citizenship and sustainable development within USJ, the chair’s premises, CEEDD started “USJ Verte” on October 24th, 2016, USJ adopting a sustainability approach. The aim is to raise awareness about the fundamental concept of waste management and to disseminate green and environmental practices within the university administrators and students, validated by the decision of USJ Council No. 187. Led by CEEDD, the scope of work of the “USJ Verte” committee includes: all USJ campuses waste management and trying to tackle energy issues, water consumption, saving green spaces, etc. Since 2017, CEEDD is devoted to the implementation of waste sorting awareness through campaigns among students and cleaning agents at USJ campuses. The development of an action plan for the management of energy expenditure is also taken into consideration. USJ successfully joined the international networks of universities dedicated to sustainable development after meeting the educational objectives related to the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” launched by the UN in September 2015.

Eco citizen

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