CubeX SAL aims to make wastewater treatment more accessible by providing local, low-cost, and low-tech solutions to rural and suburban areas as well as to refugee settlements. We aim to promote the sustainable management of waste resources by turning bio-waste into a bio-resource and implementing resilient solutions anchored in the circular economy approaches.
Environmental, Economic & Social Impact:
- 2 collaborations with municipalities across Lebanon
- 8 collaborations with international partners contracted by Eawag to conduct a Q&Q study of fecal sludge
- 8,000 m3 of treated wastewater
- 50 tons of recovered dry sludge from wastewater
- 200 people benefited from awareness sessions on the importance of wastewater treatment on the household level
- 5 implemented wastewater treatment projects, field surveys and awareness sessions across Lebanon
- 7 jobs created for people from the local community